Take the next steps after refusing a breath test

Turn to us for breathalyzer refusal defense in the Kissimmee or Orlando, FL area

Refusing a breath test in Florida can come with immediate repercussions, including an immediate license suspension, fines and court fees and more. Since the law treats a refusal as an admission of guilt, you’ll need a dedicated legal team to help you fight for your rights. If you’re dealing with the aftermath of a breath test refusal, Orlando Defense can help. We provide breathalyzer refusal defense services in Kissimmee, Orlando, FL and the surrounding areas.

Our knowledgeable attorneys are ready to challenge the case against you. Contact us now to start planning your breathalyzer refusal defense.

Trust us to defend your rights

The law may treat your situation as an open-and-shut case, but our team will go above and beyond to uncover every detail to determine if your rights were violated. With over 29 years of combined experience, our attorneys have what it takes to build a strong defense for your breath test refusal case. We’ll explore every possible strategy to work toward a positive outcome.

Connect with us today for an initial consultation on your breath test refusal case.

A man is sitting in a car being tested for alcohol by a police officer.
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